Well Energy Practice 維康中醫
Justice of the Peace 太平紳士
AHPRA Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner 澳洲政府註冊中醫師
Well Energy Postpartum Herbal Care Pack 維康本草產婦月子調理藥膳 30天份
(產婦首方生化湯, 產婦滋養調理藥膳, 增乳補養方, 元氣飲, 活力茶)
Acupuncture (Disposable Needles) 針灸治療
Chinese Herbal Products for Postpartum Health
Promote Children's Growing Products 青春期龍湯鳳飲中藥滋養調理轉骨方
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture 中醫微針灸美顏(臉部拉提,除細紋,抗老化)
Vacuum Cupping Therapy火罐治療
Chinese Herbal Medicine Retail中草藥零售
Remedial Massage Therapy西式治療性按摩
Chinese Herbal Medicine Consultation 中醫藥諮詢
Far-Infrared Scrapping Therapy遠紅外線陶瓷溫灸療法
NGH Hypnotherapist (USA) 美國NGH認證催眠治療師
Remedial Massage Therapist
▪ Therapeutic or relaxation massage
▪ Remedial massage
▪ Kids entertainment
▪ Free parking
▪ Train nearby
▪ Bus nearby
▪ Toilet facilities
▪ Wi-Fi available
▪ Water available