I am an Oncology Massage Therapist and Decongestive Lymphoedema Therapist. Oncology Massage is gentle, nurturing massage technique designed specifically for anyone who has cancer or a history of cancer. It can help to reduce pain, fatigue, nausea, insomnia, anxiety and depression. Due to its relaxing nature, Oncology Massage can also be of benefit to the frail, critically ill, palliative patients and their carers. It may also be used safely both pre and post operations as well as in those experiencing chronic pain.
Lymohoedema is a swelling caused by a problem with the Lymphatic system due to surgery, removal of lymph nodes, radiation, chemotherapy or infection. Lymphoedema is a chronic, debilitating condition, the most common cause in the Western World being cancer treatments. Any major damage of the lymphatic system causes a life long risk of Lymphoedema. Early detection, early treatment, education on risk factors and self care are essential for best patient outcomes.
▪ Therapeutic or relaxation massage
▪ Remedial massage
▪ Lymphatic drainage and lymphoedema management
▪ Oncology, palliative care and geriatric massage