Hi I have been practising TCM/Acupuncture for past 16 years and love what I do. Everyday I look forward to see my existing patients as well as challenges of new patients with their health issues. Most of the time I achieve effective and positive results in treating most muscular skeletal pain like neck,, shoulder, back, legs, arms etc, headaches, hormonal problems, digestive dysfunction, fertility and cosmetic acupuncture.
Facial Rejuvenation/Cosmetic Acupuncture (FRA) and Fertility treatment are most rewarding for me. With FRA not only the patient look naturally younger, more radiant, refreshed and but also feel more relaxed and happy from inside out. This is because FRA is a holistic approach to health and beauty, not only treating your face but also addressing your other health problems. With Fertility sharing the joy of a patient with a newborn baby after failing with many attempts of IVF, endometriosis, PCOS etc is very rewarding indeed.