Having a regular massage is popular with a lot of people as a way to counteract the effects of stress and the demands we place on our bodies on a daily basis. Athletes of all levels also use massage as a way to reduce the risk of injury, increase performance, and aid in recovery from injury.
Relax, recover, or rehabilitate. You will receive a massage treatment tailored for your individual needs. Call now and give your body the relaxation and recovery time it deserves.
Diploma Remedial Massage
Infant Massage Instruction
Certificate 4 Fitness
Pilates Instructor
10 years in the Health and Fitness Industry
▪ Therapeutic or relaxation massage
▪ Remedial massage
▪ Sports massage
▪ Pregnancy and paediatric massage
▪ Free parking
▪ Train nearby
▪ Bus nearby
▪ Toilet facilities