Mark is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapist in 2013) who currently consults at Insight Physiotherapy two days per week. In addition to his clinical role at Insight Physiotherapy he previously held an Adjunct Teaching Fellow position at the University of Western Australia (2005 to 2015), and currently works as a Sessional Academic at Curtin University, where he is involved in postgraduate education of physiotherapists. Mark also holds a position within the Australian College of Physiotherapists where he facilitates physiotherapists undertaking a training program in physiotherapy specialisation.
He regularly provides second opinion assessments for compensable bodies and private clients, and has an interest in the integration of research evidence into clinical practice.
▪ Ramp access
▪ Automatic doors
▪ Disabled toilet
▪ Free parking
▪ Water available