Serena is a naturopath, homeopath and herbalist with seventeen years experience in the field of medical science at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth.
Serena is specialising in Food Sensitivity Testing (since 2005), the treatment of Pyroluria (since 2008), those who have MTHFR gene mutations and the interpretation of aspects of the 23&Me genetic testing. She has completed the following courses by Dr Ben Lynch, a clinical expert and researcher in methylation:
Folate Metabolism and MTHFR (2013)
Methylation and Clinical Nutrigenomics Part I (2014) & Part II (2015)
Practical Clinical Application of Methylation and Epigenetics (2015)
Serena also has a keen interest in pain management and specialises in a Russian-designed technology called SCENAR which helps relieve pain, improve function and facilitate rapid healing. She is currently a senior trainer and teaches other therapists around Australia.
Serena offers the following consultations:
Naturopathic Consultation