Lynella Morton - Holistic Health Practitioner specialises in Holistic Health consultations which implements 3 core Naturopathic Modalities for improved wellness:
* Inner Woman Development – Counselling for the Emotional Body.
* Practitioner Strength – Herbal Medicines for the Physical Body.
* Health and Healing – Mindfulness Meditation for the Spiritual Body.
Holistic Health Consultations achieve results and empowers women to take control of their lives for long term health and wellbeing. Claimable Health Services with Private Health Funds.
We also offer:
* Holistic Iridology: Non-invasive Health Screening that determines health problems at their earliest stages in order to prevent illness and to maintain optimum wellness results.
* Super Probiotics Plus: Microbiologist strength and Australian made specialised probiotics and fibre combination formula to improve the Gastrointestinal Tract for high levels of good bacteria and better digestive wellness.