I take the role of not only being your chiropractor but also your health coach very seriously. I encourage parents to get their children’s spines checked and if need be adjusted so that they can develop into healthy individuals and not suffer from day to day conditions. I get a real buzz from having my elderly patients come in and tell me that they can’t do this or that because of some problem they have and then to see them several weeks to months later getting back into gardening, walking, playing with their grand-children or whatever takes their fancy. Being a chiropractor is so much more than just getting people out of pain. I believe that offering my patients an exceptional service is important. This was rewarded by winning the Australian Achiever Award in Health in 1989/90.
▪  X-Ray
▪  Orthotics
▪  Corrective Chiropractic
▪  Nutritional Services
▪  Rehabilitation
▪  Kids area
▪  Kids entertainment
▪  Paid parking
▪  Free parking
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