Susan is a South African trained chiropractor and board certified in both Australia and South Africa. She has over 10 years experience and is an evidence-based practitioner who has a special interest in chronic pain, sports and performance arts healthcare. Susan uses manual manipulation, SOT blocking, activator and other soft tissue techniques such as dry needling, massage and kinesiotaping. She also uses neurological rehabilitation techniques and home care programmes for long term recovery. She has audited a course in Behavioural Medicine through Stockholm University and a course on Sports and Performing Arts Health through McGill University in Montreal. Susan is registered with The Association for Performing Arts Healthcare and Chiropractic Australia. She is also the supporting chiropractor for WettOnes Masters swimming team, Sydney Womens Baseball League and Team Sydney. Susan tailor makes treatments to suit her patients and address their special needs and concerns.
▪  Activator
▪  Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT)
▪  Motion Palpation
▪  Manual Diversified Techniques
▪  Corrective Chiropractic
▪  Nutritional Services
▪  Rehabilitation
▪  Ramp access
▪  Paid parking
▪  Free parking
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Water available
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7:00 PM
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6:30 PM
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