Welcome to Bowette
Are you looking for natural therapy, or an alternative therapist?
Bowette provides natural drug free techniques and alternative therapies developed here in Australia. These special therapies include Emmett Technique and Bowen Therapy. In addition to Remedial Massage and an electronic device called ENAR therapy.
Clients’ experience personalized combination of these special therapies during each visit, with extremely positive results - see our web site: www.bowette.com.au or Facebook page.
Bowette soft tissue therapies is a true complimentary modality, in that clients can use it along side physiotherapy and chiropractic. Where Bowette addresses restricted muscles and associated pain, physiotherapy retrains and strengthens muscles, while chiropractic realigns boney structures.
Sue is a practicing soft tissue therapist since 2007 and continues lecturing publicly whilst running a private practice in Kurwongbah.
▪ Lymphatic Drainage
▪ Emmett Technique
▪ Ramp access
▪ Free parking
▪ Train nearby